I’ve been sitting on this URL for a while, not really doing anything with it. Telling myself I really should get something up and start a mailing list. Well, I guess todays the day. I guess to start off I will talk about what projects I have in the works.
Horror novel: For the better part of the last 10 years, I’ve been working on a horror novel (Lets call this book by the codename: Icepick). You may be asking yourself. “10 years, that’s either going to be a masterpiece or a long ass book.” No, I’ve just been busy. My previous few employers where very demanding. I worked 60 hours a week, minimum. So, maybe its a masterpiece. I don’t know, It’s not done yet. But, that’s not why it’s taken me this long. By the way, current word count for those who like to keep track.
Current: 42,658 words
Also, along those lines, I am looking for beta readers. If you are interested, please find the link in the menu to become a beta reader!
Short Stories: 8 years ago I published some short stories to Amazon. They didn’t do well… and by that I mean I sold like 2 copies. So, they didn’t do at all. I am going to rewrite them and publish them on here for free. PLEASE DON’T TRY TO FIND THEM ON AMAZON. I am locked out of my account and don’t wish to spend the extra effort to talk to the Amazon robots to get back in (plus, I think the email I used is from a site I no longer own making it impossible to prove I’m the same person.)
Live streams: Yeah, I stream live 3 days a week! Come join us ( https://twitch.tv/jaejachl or https://www.youtube.com/@JaeJachl ). I stream gaming content as well as creative content like photo editing. Would love to see you there!
Photography: I am a professional photographer! If you would like to follow my work go to https://jachlfam.com
Hope you follow me on this journey. Looking forward to putting content out that people can enjoy.